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Easyping 2 4 – Ping Client To Determine Host Accessibility

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In this video tutorial you will see how to test TCP IP connection by using the ping command. Ping is the most important troubleshooting command and it checks the connectivity with the other computers. For example your system's IP address is and your network servers' IP address is and you can check the connectivity with the server by using the Ping command. See more network troubleshooting commands if you are not familiar with these terms.

  • :pingtheserver ping%input% find 'Reply' nul if not errorlevel 1 ( echo server is online, up and running. ) else ( echo host has been taken down wait 3 seconds to refresh ping -n 1 -w 3000 NUL goto:pingtheserver ) Note that ping -n -w 1000 NUL will wait 1 second but only works when connected to a network.
  • Reporting – Host statistics, uptime, average answer time. ICMP activity Chart. Tray notifycations. Can add only available hosts. Import hosts from Active Directory or CSV, export to CSV, export to Excel. Export Reports of an ICMP statistics to CSV and Excel. Host grouping and tagging. Few Visual representation of Host objects.

DNS Domain Name Service, is how your computer turns an address like into an IP address it can use to connect to Google's servers. Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) sends your router a list of DNS servers using DHCP when your modem connects to the Internet. Then your router forwards that list of DNS servers to each computer on your network, again using DHCP. We will also see how to check DNS settings.

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Emsisoft Online Armor Free. Emsisoft Online Armor Free will automatically disable ping reply and there is no way to configure the firewall rules to re-enable ping. Unlike the paid version where you can switch to advanced mode to configure the ICMP rules, the free version doesn't allow you to switch to advanced mode but only allows standard. If the host name is returnable, it will also return this potentially valuable information in the reply. F: ping -a Pinging CKWIN95 with 32 bytes of data.

Hi in this session, we will see how to test TCP IP connection by using the ping command. So to test TCP IP connectivity by using the ping command, use the display of ipconfig command to ensure that your network command is not in media disconnected state.

So let us open command prompt and then issue this command.

Easyping 2 4 – Ping Client To Determine Host Accessibility Tool

To open command prompt: go click Start, go to All Programs, Accessories, and click Command Prompt. Go to the root directory and then issue the command, 'ipconfig' and hit enter. You can see that IP address of my machine is and the default gateway for my machine is

Note: Please also see how to open command prompt in Windows 8.

So now let us ping the default gateway and see if we are able to read it. To ping the gateway, write command, 'ping 10.0.01' and then hit enter. If you get reply from the IP address you're trying to ping then you'll surely be able to reach it. You can also have a look at Ping Statistics for wherein you have sent 4 packets and you have also received 4 packets.

There was absolutely 0% loss in reaching this default gateway. There could be a possibility that your machine is not hooked on the network. In such cases, your media adapter where it shows as media disconnected in here. Let me unhook this machine from the network. I just disabled the machine from the network. I got a pop-up over here that my network cable is unplugged.

Now let me issue the same command, 'ipconfig.' See, now it says that 'Media disconnected.' Let me put it on the network, the machine is on and trying to see. Now it is connected to my local area network. Let me give the command again and I can see it is now connected. Now let me try pinging Google from this machine. So to ping Google, I issue the command, 'ping' and I'll hit enter. I can see that probably it is trying to ping Google but not able to read. We'll give some time for the machine to try and read Google. See, it has given up and it has not been able to read Google. What could be the reason for that? Let us go into the network properties of this machine.

To go to network properties: click Start, go to Control Panel, open Network and Internet Connections, and then click Network Connections. You will see the local area connection. Right click it, go to its properties, highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click properties. You will see that there is a DNS server given over here,

So whenever you try ping, say '', this DNS server in here will try to resolve this name to the IP address and then forward all the data packets to that IP address. I suspect that this DNS server is not reachable from this machine. Let try pinging this DNS server. I'll say 'ping', I'll hit enter. See, I am correct probably.

If it says, 'Request timed out' which means I am not able to reach this DNS server. So what do I do now? I need to give an alternate DNS server which is probably up and running on my network. I know there is another one and I'll ping in which is another DNS server on my network. I'll say 'okay' and say 'close.' I can also go and see the settings from ipconfig/all and it will tell me that 'okay my IP address is this…' and in DNS servers, I now have now two DNS servers in here and successfully able to ping


So now let us try to ping Google back again and see what happens. See, the alternate DNS address is able to translate this name into the IP address of Google. So this is the IP address of Google, and my data packet from this machine is able to go and ping Google. So it is very important, even if your machine is on network and you're trying to reach some websites and not able to reach. The reason could be that the DNS server in between might not be accessible. You should be having the right configuration of DNS server. To test that, go ping the DNS servers which are listed in your ipconfig/all and see if your machine is able to reach then.

That's pretty much it in this segment session. You are now successfully able to know how to ping a machine and how to check if correct, maybe a resolution is happening. If not, you can go and specify the DNS servers which are up and running and reachable from your machine. Thanks for watching.

See more networking tips

Easyping 2 4 – Ping Client To Determine Host Accessibility System

Sometimes you just need an IP address to be check your internet connection. My current favourite IP address is to use the Google DNS servers. which are the IPv4 addresses and

I have a favourite IP address to ping in Australia at which is the primary name server for the largest carrier in Australia. (And reminds me that latency of 500 milliseconds is normal for some people).

I've also used the servers at OpenDNS and OpenDNS (now owned by Cisco Umbrella business unit) provides a secure and safe DNS service which I recommend that you check out for home and commercial use. Note: Cisco uses DNS data to build a threat database and its highly likely that it sells data.

Cloudflare have a DNS service at and The goal is to have the fastest DNS service possible. Like Google they have a large number of servers around the world that should respond to the PING request (uses AnyCast if you are interested)

Norton Connectsafe also have secure DNS servers for home users at and that respond to ICMP requests. I do not recommend Norton due to very poor track record on basic security. is another DNS servers and as a free service from EasyDNS.

Best IP Addresses to Ping
HostIP Address
Easyping 2 4 – ping client to determine host accessibility tool

So now let us try to ping Google back again and see what happens. See, the alternate DNS address is able to translate this name into the IP address of Google. So this is the IP address of Google, and my data packet from this machine is able to go and ping Google. So it is very important, even if your machine is on network and you're trying to reach some websites and not able to reach. The reason could be that the DNS server in between might not be accessible. You should be having the right configuration of DNS server. To test that, go ping the DNS servers which are listed in your ipconfig/all and see if your machine is able to reach then.

That's pretty much it in this segment session. You are now successfully able to know how to ping a machine and how to check if correct, maybe a resolution is happening. If not, you can go and specify the DNS servers which are up and running and reachable from your machine. Thanks for watching.

See more networking tips

Easyping 2 4 – Ping Client To Determine Host Accessibility System

Sometimes you just need an IP address to be check your internet connection. My current favourite IP address is to use the Google DNS servers. which are the IPv4 addresses and

I have a favourite IP address to ping in Australia at which is the primary name server for the largest carrier in Australia. (And reminds me that latency of 500 milliseconds is normal for some people).

I've also used the servers at OpenDNS and OpenDNS (now owned by Cisco Umbrella business unit) provides a secure and safe DNS service which I recommend that you check out for home and commercial use. Note: Cisco uses DNS data to build a threat database and its highly likely that it sells data.

Cloudflare have a DNS service at and The goal is to have the fastest DNS service possible. Like Google they have a large number of servers around the world that should respond to the PING request (uses AnyCast if you are interested)

Norton Connectsafe also have secure DNS servers for home users at and that respond to ICMP requests. I do not recommend Norton due to very poor track record on basic security. is another DNS servers and as a free service from EasyDNS.

Best IP Addresses to Ping
HostIP Address

It should look something like this:

GF:~ etherelamind$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=47 time=66.060 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=47 time=114.892 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=47 time=103.609 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 66.060/94.854/114.892/20.875 ms
GF:~ gregferro$

If you don't get a response

If you ping these addresses and get an error like this, then there is more than one thing that could be wrong with your connection.

GF:etherealmind$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
Request timeout for icmp_seq 2
Request timeout for icmp_seq 3

The most likely problem is that your Internet connection is down or broken. It's also possible that Internet router or firewall is blocking ping packets. Many firewalls do block ping packets by default so this isn't the only test you should do.

Let me know if you have any other favourite places that might be worth adding to the list.

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